Microbiology Lab: researching ingredients and micro-organisms

If you want to understand the impact of your product or process on human, animal, and environmental health, TNO has the right research facilities. TNO focuses on researching ingredients that have a positive impact on health. The lab can also test for the presence of pathogenic or spoilage organisms, such as harmful bacteria and viruses. In addition, the efficacy of agents to control these pathogens can be demonstrated.

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What you can do

Microbiological issues in products or processes require a targeted approach. You can turn to TNO if you’re working on process or product innovations, or if you’re faced with exceptional problems, such as unexpected rapid spoilage of your product or the presence of pathogens in your process. If an existing routine approach is sufficient, we’ll refer you to a routine laboratory. For complex issues, we offer targeted research.
TNO can help you with your innovation by understanding, underpinning, and possibly improving the way a new ingredient works, for example. TNO has a number of laboratory facilities that can be used to test your product’s performance in controlled, realistic conditions. For example, we have an advanced model of the microbiology of the human and animal gut. TNO is qualified to work with pathogens and can therefore find out what is causing the contamination of your product or process. Examples of issues and research we can help you with are:

  • The survival of an ingredient (e.g. a probiotic) during the production process, but also while in the intestinal tract
  • Research and validation of disinfection
  • Methods to preserve microbiological products
  • Finding the cause of the presence of pathogens or rapid spoilage
  • Studying (un)desirable genetic elements, such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria
  • Studying microbial ecosystems (e.g. the human gut or a production process)

You have

  • You are working on an innovative ingredient, product, or process, in which microbiology plays an important role, such as speciality foods and medicines.
  • You are dealing with pathogens in your process or the unexpected rapid spoilage of your product and are looking for the underlying cause.
  • You want to research or validate disinfection and preservation methods.

You will receive

  • Expert guidance in preparing a good research plan
  • Qualified laboratory operators
  • Access to advanced models and simulations

Proven technology

TNO has a strong knowledge position in microbiological processes. The laboratory is certified to conduct research on specific pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses (including COVID-19). One of the results of our research into probiotics can be found here: TNO and Micropia release advisory guide on appropriate probiotics for antibiotic-related diarrhoea - Intestinal Health


The cost for using the Microbiology Lab are available upon request.


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