Case studies

Discover inspiring case studies of companies that have worked with TNO’s Fast Track to realize ambitious goals. Each story features unique challenges and achievements, such as advanced product development, process improvement, and the exploration of new markets. Let yourself be inspired and discover how your company can benefit from partnering with TNO Fast Track.

How we accelerate innovation together

Do you see opportunities to innovate within your company? Are you faced with challenges in the market and do you think TNO could help you? If so, we would love to connect with you, combining our network and technology expertise with your entrepreneurship and ambition.

Step 1: Start with a no-obligation intake
During a telephone intake interview, we will help you get started right away and at no cost.

Step 2: Schedule a session with our experts
With an expert session, expert session XL, or session in the lab, we will immediately delve deeper into your technology question.

Step 3: Time to move forward!
Get started with the acquired knowledge, start a larger innovation process or participate in an existing TNO research program.