Industrial air purification based on the power of the earth

Deeptech start-up Luper Technologies' mission is to make factories cleaner. They aim to achieve this with their innovative industrial air cleaning system that mimics the natural cleaning of gases in the atmosphere. To take steps in the product roadmap, they started a collaboration with TNO. We caught up  with Maarten Kieft, CEO of Luper Technologies, to talk about the collaboration.

Question for TNO

Maarten: "Like us, TNO is located on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven and so we know them well by name, but the first contacts to set up a joint project came via HighTechXL. The aim of the collaboration is to take steps in our product roadmap by optimising our demonstration model.

We started with an intake consultation during which we defined a starting point for the cooperation together with TNO. After the intake, TNO Fast Track handcrafted a team of experts for us. Soon, TNO’s experts started working on various CFD simulations for an airflow analysis of our system. The results of this study are now being incorporated into our demonstration model. TNO was proactive and really understood what was important to us. In short, we are very satisfied with the scope setting, the process and the result, which makes us look to the next steps of our project with confidence."

Quote from the entrepreneur

“TNO was proactive and really understood what was important to us. We are very satisfied with the scope setting, the process and the result, which makes us look to the next steps of our project with confidence."

Maarten Kieft, CEO & Co-founder Luper Technologies

What does Luper do?

Luper's goal is to make factories cleaner. To achieve this, Luper is working on an innovative air cleaning system to clean concerning pollutants such as PAHs from industrial flue gases.

Maarten: "Our mission is socially driven: a clean atmosphere, free of toxins, so that everyone can enjoy fresh air. On the customer side, we aim to support the customer in the field of air cleaning with a user-friendly and low-maintenance air cleaning system."

What makes your product so special?

Maarten: "The patented technology mimics the natural cleansing of gases in the atmosphere. In outdoor air, this process can take weeks to months. By increasing the concentrations of active particles by a factor of one million, our technology achieves this in seconds. This makes our industrial air cleaning system more efficient and effective than existing alternatives on the market."

What’s next?

Maarten: "After incorporating the results of phase 1 in our demonstration model, we want to carry out further CFD simulations with TNO on other parts of the system."

Want to know more?

For more information about Luper, please visit the Luper Technologies website . Do you have a question of your own? Get in touch with TNO Fast Track so we can make impact together!