Pedal yourself into the spotlight
Cycling in the dark carries risks, as traffic is becoming increasingly hectic. Every year, more than 20,000 cyclists end up in the emergency room after an accident in the dark – that's a shocking 57 cyclists per day (KiM). The problem? You are invisible from the side. No less than 71% of bicycle accidents occur sideways, a place where traditional lighting falls short. There can be more than just white light in front and red light at the back.
What does Ziemi do?
That must be safer, thought TU Delft student Luci (26) and her co-founder Douwe from VU, with whom she raised an investment from ASIF in 2024. Together they developed Ziemi: innovative biomotion lighting that illuminates your moving legs. This makes you not only much more visible but also immediately recognized as a cyclist. The Ziemi light can be mounted on your handlebars and shines on you, the rider, not on the road or bike path. Because the light illuminates your moving legs, your Biomotion, you are more visible. TNO research confirms: Ziemi makes you 52% more visible and 24% more recognizable as a cyclist.
How did you find out about TNO Fast Track?
Luci wanted to investigate the effectiveness of the Ziemi light. Through the TNO website, Luci came across TNO Fast Track. This was prompted by an article about reflective paint on bicycles. TNO Fast Track is specifically aimed at start-ups, scale-ups, and innovative SMEs. "I filled in my details and was called the next day," says Luci. "Within four weeks, we had drawn up and signed a project proposal and could get started. Now it was just a matter of waiting until it got dark," Luci continues.
Ziemi aims to improve bicycle safety. "How we could precisely demonstrate that was still unclear," says Luci. "TNO Fast Track helped us get in touch with the right scientists/experts. The Human Performance department of the Defense and Security unit was involved. Previous studies – for example, the visibility of police clothing – helped with that." The research was set up so that scientists could see the cyclist and also identify them as a cyclist with or without additional Ziemi lighting.
"What I particularly appreciated was the accessibility of TNO Fast Track and the expertise of TNO with which we worked.''
Luci Santema - Co-founder Ziemi
The result of the research was even better than expected. By using Ziemi lighting (in addition to your regular lighting), you are more than 52% more visible. Through the research with TNO, Ziemi can make a proven impact. "Ziemi wants to grow as a bicycle safety expert, and this research supports that," says Luci. Other expert organizations such as the Cyclists' Union and VVN recognize the added value of innovations like Ziemi. Together, they see the importance of quality research to support innovations and strive for safer traffic.
Can you recommend working with TNO Fast Track?
"Yes, definitely," says Luci. "What I particularly appreciated was the accessibility of TNO Fast Track and the expertise of TNO with which we worked." That's exactly what I found at TNO Fast Track. Now we can truly make a proven impact.
Want to know more?
For more information about Ziemi, please visit the Ziemi website and get in touch. Do you have a question or issue? Contact TNO Fast Track to make an impact together.
About TNO Fast Track
Do you have a question or issue where you could use TNO's specialized and independent knowledge and R&D? At TNO Fast Track, we are your independent technology partner for startups, scaleups, and innovative SMEs. Schedule an intake with TNO Fast Track, and we will quickly get in touch to accelerate your innovation together.