XR Lab: Discover AR & VR applications for your company

The Metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are on the rise and promise to change the way we collaborate, connect and work. TNO has developed various technologies and applications for these use cases. Examples are AR applications to remotely assist a field engineer with complex operations in (hard to reach) places such as a wind turbine or a rescue operation at sea. In the extended reality (XR) Lab, we conduct research into the applications of immersive technologies such as AR and VR in the industry, government, healthcare and mobility sectors, among others. Could you use some help with this or would you like us to research something? Get in touch with us via the form at the bottom of this page.


Examples of what you can do in the XR Lab

Starting from your company's needs, we’ll work out an example. This may revolve around existing needs for training, remote collaboration or remote assistance, but could also be centred around new business processes that are currently difficult or impossible to realise. We analyse the current way of working and assess how immersive technologies could improve it. The TNO expert offers multiple perspectives, discusses the pros and cons of current applications in XR and provides a vision for the future. In doing this, TNO focuses mainly on research, creating proof of concepts and demos using its own technology or commercially available applications.

You have

  • A question about the impact of immersive technologies now and in the future
  • A business strategy aimed at making better use of valuable and hard-to-find staff
  • In-house developed VR/AR applications that you want to extend with TNO technology

You will receive

  • A good understanding of the possibilities of VR, AR, virtual worlds, the metaverse and possible applications in your business
  • With the XR Lab, you have access to a testing ground to conduct experiments

Proven technology

TNO has been working on Social XR, collaborating in virtual worlds, since 2017. In doing so, TNO has developed its own platform, providing us with experience in all technological aspects of real-time XR communication. Besides research around the necessary technology for collaboration in the metaverse, TNO has also conducted many experiments to evaluate the value of this technology to humans.


Available upon request.


Would you like to make use this lab? You can! Fill in the application form below or get in touch with us.