Production of nano & quantum devices

Managing reliable nanofabrication processes and having the execution of these processed being well-controlled are key in the development of critical nanoscale devices. We develop state-of-the-art Quantum Devices and nano devices under ideal circumstances that are difficult to come by for entrepreneurs. We are happy to help start-ups, scale-ups and SME by providing nanofabrication services for various types of applications.


What we will do

Our nanofabrication team has access to multiple state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities and (quantum) characterization facilities in Delft; including Kavli NanoLab, Else Kooi Lab and TNO NanoLab. You can ask one of our nanofabricaton specialists to help you with the development or fabrication of your device.

You have

  • A need for support with the development or production of quantum devices or nano-devices

You will receive

  • Reliable quantum- or nano materials or fully fabricated nano-devices

Proven technology

We have a long heritage in the development of nano- and quantum devices, for industrial parties and for academic collaborations. Examples include diamond based quantum devices and spin qubit devices.


The costs for the production of nano or quantum devices are available upon request. During a free intake we are happy to discuss your requirements so that we can make a suitable proposal for you.


Looking to get a help with nanofabrication from one of our experts? No problem!

Sign up by clicking the button below or get in touch with us.