Quantum: Localize, screen and characterize colour centres in a diamond

Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centres are the workhorses behind several quantum technology applications. The centres have a unique set of properties that make them suitable for quantum computing, quantum networking and quantum sensing. At the same time, the diamond material protects the centres for external noise and enables operation in ambient conditions. TNO provides a unique facility for the characterization of NV centres in diamond material and in diamond devices


What we will do

At TNO, we can automatically, rapidly and reliably screen, select, characterize, and mark individual NV centres. The characterization laboratory is equipped with a setup allowing us to automatically scan the surface and the volume of the diamond sample. This can be used for the location of individual NV centres with sub-micron precision, to measure the density and uniformity of their distribution. Additionally, we can characterize orientation of the NV centres in the crystal lattice, their brightness, as well as lifetime (T1) and quantum coherence times (T2* and T2 under dynamical decoupling). We can also perform G2 measurements.

You have

  • Artificially grown diamonds or diamond devices that you want to have tested

You will receive

  • A characterization report with the localized NV centres and if desired their orientations, brightness, lifetime (T1) and quantum coherence times (T2* and T2)
  • An optional meeting with a measurement specialist in which the results can be discussed


The costs for testing colour centres are available upon request. During a free intake we are happy to discuss your requirements so that we can make a suitable proposal for you.


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